Notification of Intention to take Shared Parental Leave (Paternity & Maternity)
This document enables you to formally notify your employer of your intention to take shared parental leave with your partner. The structure and user-friendly guidance makes sure that you state clearly the desired length of your shared parental leave, while not forgetting to express gratitude for the company’s understanding and support. It is essential that you remember to enclose a filled in Shared Parental Leave Form.
to use
to use
Use when you want to share parental leave with your partner.
Novation Agreement
This document can be used to draw a legal instrument that can formalize and arrangement to substitute one party for another in a contract. Upon substitution the obligations of a withdrawing party are automatically discharged. Use this agreement to transfer responsibilities between two interested parties.
to use
to use
Use to substitute one party with another in a contract.
Online Consumer Goods, Services and Digital Content Terms and Conditions
This document is for when you want to sell goods, services and digital content online. It provides the information about the seller and the product that they are selling. It provides contact details of the seller. It then explains the details of the order and how it will be processed and delivered. It finally explains the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller.
to use
to use
Use when you want to sell goods, services and digital content online.
Outcome of Disciplinary - Attendance and Punctuality - Written Warning
This document is to inform an employee of your decision to formally give them a written warning for misconduct. The document advises how long the warning will stay on the employee's personnel file along with a timescale for improvement(s) to be made. It also advises that should the employee not meet the required improvements further disciplinary action could be taken. Finally it provides the employee with their legal right to appeal the decision made.
to use
to use
Use to confirm your decision on the outcome of a disciplinary hearing concluding in a written warning for misconduct.
Outcome of Disciplinary - Dismissal
This document is to inform an employee of your decision to formally dismiss them for persistent misconduct. The document advises the employee that the issue has persisted despite receiving a written and final written warning for the same reasons. It also advises the employee of their entitlement to notice and provides you the option to either work their notice or make a payment in lieu of notice with no requirement to work the notice period. Finally it provides the employee with their legal right to appeal the decision made.
to use
to use
Use to confirm your decision on the outcome of a disciplinary hearing concluding in dismissing an employee on the grounds of persistent misconduct despite receiving previous warnings for the same reason.
Outcome of Disciplinary - Misconduct - Final Written Warning
This document is to inform an employee of your decision to formally give them a final written warning for misconduct. The document advises how long the warning will stay on the employees personnel file along with a timescale for improvement(s) to be made. It also advises that should the employee not meet the required improvements further disciplinary action could be taken. Finally it provides the employee with their legal right to appeal the decision made.
to use
to use
Use to confirm your decision on the outcome of a disciplinary hearing concluding in a final written warning for misconduct.
Outcome of Disciplinary - Misconduct - Written Warning
This document is to inform an employee of your decision to formally give them a written warning for misconduct. The document advises how long the warning will stay on the employees personnel file along with a timescale for improvement(s) to be made. It also advises that should the employee not meet the required improvements further disciplinary action could be taken. Finally it provides the employee with their legal right to appeal the decision made.
to use
to use
Use to confirm your decision on the outcome of a disciplinary hearing concluding in a written warning for misconduct.
Outcome of Disciplinary - No Further Action
This document is to notify an employee that no further action will be taken against them. The document advises that following an investigation there is no case for the employee to answer. It also advises the employee that all records of this matter will be removed from their personnel file.
to use
to use
Use to notify an employee that no further action will be taken against them following an investigation, which concluded in there being no case to answer.
Outcome of Disciplinary - Poor Attendance and Punctuality - Final Written Warning
This document is to inform an employee of your decision to formally give them a final written warning for poor attendance and punctuality. The document advises how long the warning will stay on the employees personnel file along with a timescale for improvement(s) to be made. It also advises that should the employee not meet the required improvements further disciplinary action could be taken. Finally it provides the employee with their legal right to appeal the decision made.
to use
to use
Use to confirm your decision on the outcome of a disciplinary hearing concluding in a final written warning for poor attendance and punctuality.
Outcome of Disciplinary - Poor Performance - Final Written Warning
This document is to inform an employee of your decision to formally give them a final written warning for poor performance. The document advises how long the warning will stay on the employees personnel file along with a timescale for improvement(s) to be made. It also advises that should the employee not meet the required improvements further disciplinary action could be taken. Finally it provides the employee with their legal right to appeal the decision made.
to use
to use
Use to confirm your decision on the outcome of a disciplinary hearing concluding in a final written warning for poor performance.
Outcome of Disciplinary - Poor Performance - Written Warning
This document is to inform an employee of your decision to formally give them a written warning for poor performance. The document advises how long the warning will stay on the employees personnel file along with a timescale for improvement(s) to be made. It also advises that should the employee not meet the required improvements further disciplinary action could be taken. Finally it provides the employee with their legal right to appeal the decision made.
to use
to use
Use to confirm your decision on the outcome of a disciplinary hearing concluding in a written warning for poor performance.
Outcome of Disciplinary - Summary Dismissal - Gross Misconduct
This document is to inform an employee of your decision to formally dismiss them for gross misconduct. The document advises the employee of the reasons behind your decision and that there employment will terminate with immediate effect on the grounds of gross misconduct. It also advises the employee that they are not entitled to any notice or payment in lieu of notice on these grounds. Finally it provides the employee with their legal right to appeal the decision made.
to use
to use
Use to confirm your decision on the outcome of a disciplinary hearing concluding in dismissing an employee on the grounds of gross misconduct.
Outcome of Grievance Appeal Hearing
This document is to provide an employee of the outcome of a grievance appeal hearing held. It advises the employee of your final decision to either not up hold/uphold or partially uphold their grievance raised. This document is designed to allow you to add in the details of the reasons you have given the particular outcome. Finally it advises the employee that this is the final stage of the grievance hearing and there is no further right to appeal.
to use
to use
Use to provide an employee of your outcome following a grievance appeal hearing.
Outcome of Grievance Hearing
This document is used to provide an employee of the outcome of the grievance hearing held. It advises the employee of your decision to either not up hold/uphold or partially uphold their grievance raised. This document is designed to allow you to add in the details of the reasons you have given the particular outcome following the investigation. Finally it provides the employee with their legal right to appeal the decision made.
to use
to use
Use to provide an employee of your outcome following an investigation into their grievance raised.
Outcome of Probationary Review Meeting - Dismissal
This document is to inform an employee of your decision to dismiss them during or at the end of their probationary period. This letter advises the employee of the reason for dismissal along with any their final payment date and what they will be paid. Finally it provides the employee with their legal right to appeal the decision made.
to use
to use
Use to inform an employee of your decision dismiss them during or at the end of their probationary period.
Outcome of Probationary Review Meeting - Extension
This document is to inform an employee of your decision to extend their probationary period. This letter advises the employee of how long their probationary period has been extended by and sets put the reasons why. It advises the employee that their attendance and conduct will continue to be reviewed and feedback will be given regularly. Finally the document informs them of the fact they could be dismissed should they not make sufficient progress throughout and during the extended probationary period.
to use
to use
Use to inform an employee of your decision to extend their probationary period.
Outcome of Probationary Review Meeting - Successfully Passed
This document is to inform an employee that they have passed their probationary period. The letter advises them of their entitlement to join your company benefits and also provides and option to notify them of an increase in notice period on both sides.
to use
to use
Use to notify an employee that they have successfully passed their probationary period.
Partnership Formation
This a document that can be used in business between two or more people. The agreement defines the nature of the partnership and the responsibilities and entitlements of the partners. It is a binding contract between the partners and outlines the nature of the partnership.
to use
to use
Use to draw agreement between two or more initial partners.
Paternity Leave Policy
This is to create a policy that sets out the statutory rights and responsibilities of employees who have a partner who is pregnant or have recently given birth. This policy includes a number of aspects including Paternity Leave, time off for ante natal care and the procedure for paternity pay. It also covers holidays, work and contact during the Paternity leave.
to use
to use
Use to create a companywide policy that sets out the statutory rights and responsibilities of employees whose partner is pregnant.
Pregnancy - New and Expectant Mothers Risk Assessment
This creates a form that can be used to assess potential risks to new and expectant mothers. This document has several sections, which help a business conduct a comprehensive review of the suitability of the work place for new and expectant mothers. It also captures any necessary changes that may be required to ensure a safe working environment for new and expectant mother.
to use
to use
Use to conduct a risk assessment of new and expectant mothers.
Private company - Minutes of First Board Meeting
This a template that can be used to draft minutes of meetings of a first board meeting at a private company. Use this document to create bespoke minutes of the meeting using drop down and text boxes to enter relevant information. This document covers a number of resolutions that most private companies need to adopt during their first board meeting.
to use
to use
Use the ‘Private Company - Minutes of First Board Meeting’ template to draft minutes of the first board meeting of your company.
Purchase Order
This is document is used to create an official commercial document which acts as a first offer issued from a buyer to a seller. The purchase order also known as PO would indicate the types of products and services, quantities and agreed prices. The purchase order does not act as a contract between the two parties and does not initial one. When the order is accepted by the seller a contract is usually formed between the two parties.
to use
to use
Use to create a commercial document where the buyer indicates they would like to buy products or services from a seller.
Purchase Order Document
This document is used as a first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller. It outlines the type of goods and services, quantity and agreed price. Use this to control the purchasing of products and services from external suppliers. This document allows you to create a purchase order in a professional format.
to use
to use
Use to create purchase orders to buy goods and services from and external supplier.
Report a Case of Disease F2508A
This document is to create a detailed RIDDOR report. This document is used to report a case of disease with detailed report about the person affected. It starts with the details of the person reporting the disease and the organisation they represent. It also includes the details of the disease including any work activity that may have caused this. Finally, it gives the details of the address where the report must be sent.
to use
to use
Use to report a case of disease that has been identified at your organisation.
Report of Injuries and Dangerous Occurrences - F2508
This document is used to create a detailed RIDDOR report. This document is used to report any cases of injuries and dangerous occurrences with detailed report about the person affected. It starts with the details of the person reporting the injury and dangerous occurrence and the organisation they represent. It also includes the details of the incident and the injury along with any work activity that may have caused this. Finally, it gives the details of the address where the report is to be sent.
to use
to use
Use to report an incident that led to an injury at your workplace.
Risk Assessment Action Plan
This document creates a comprehensive log of all the action required by an organisation following a health and safety risk assessment. The log include the details of the risk and the proposed steps that will be taken to reduce said risk, It then include the name of the person accountable for the action point including the deadline by which it must be completed. Finally, it includes the category of the risk.
to use
to use
Use to create a comprehensive action plan of the steps required following a health and safety risk assessment.
Risk Assessment Form
This is to conduct a comprehensive health and safety risk assessment at workplace. This document
focus on the nature of risk, the level of risk and the probability of a risk. It starts with identification of risk during an audit and the people who are at risk. It then includes the controls that are currently in place to mitigate said risk and if further action is required. Finally, it categorizes the risk that has been identified based on the level, probability and severity of the risk.
to use
to use
Use to create a comprehensive log of risks identified during a health and safety audit.
Salary Sacrifice for Pension Contribution
This document enables you to submit an official request to your employer regarding salary sacrifice. The structure and user-friendly guidance enables you to easily specify how much you wish to be paid from your income towards your pension account annually and request a confirmation from the pension provider
to use
to use
Use when you want to sacrifice part of your salary for your pension contributions.
Sale of Goods Agreement
This document is used when you want to sell goods to a customer. It creates a formal and a legally binding contract between the buyer and seller. It provides the information about the seller and the product that they are selling. It then explains the details of the order and how it will be processed and delivered. It also explains the warranty and limitation of liability. It finally explains the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller.
to use
to use
Use when you want to sell goods to a consumer and would like to create a formal and legally binding contract.
Sale of Goods Contract
This is a legal agreement between a buyer and seller. Use this document to design bespoke contracts for the sale of goods for your company. This document outlines the responsibilities of the buyer and the seller in a structured format.
to use
to use
Use to create a legal agreement between a buyer and seller when selling goods.
Sale of Goods or Services Invoice Template
This document is to create an invoice for the sale of goods or services. It provides an itemised list of all products sold and the price of individual items along with quantity purchased. Finally it provides information about the payment methods and date the payment is due.
to use
to use
Use when you what to assign the intellectual property you own to a third party.
Services Agreement
A Service Agreement is used when you want to sell services to a customer. It creates a formal and a legally binding contract between the buyer and seller. It provides the information about the seller and the service that they are providing. It then explains the details of how the service will be provided and price that will be charged. It also explains the warranty and limitation of liability. It finally explains the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller.
to use
to use
Use when you want to provide services to a consumer and would like to create a formal and legally binding contract.
Share Certificate
This is a document that can be used to certify a person is a registered holder of shares in your company. The certificate provides the details of the number of shares held by the individual and their value.
to use
to use
Use where you give shares in your company to an individual.
Shared Parental Leave Policy
This document is used to create a policy that gives employees who are parents to babies or adopters the opportunity to share leave during child’s first year in family. This policy does not affect the ordinary paternal policies. It provides employees with a more flexible approach to the way in which the parents can share the care for their baby.
to use
to use
Use to create a policy that sets out the options where new parents can share responsibility responsibilities of a new born child.
Shareholders Agreement
This document is usually used to define the relationships amongst shareholders. The document can also act as a template to define the roles and responsibilities of the shareholders. This is a structured agreement which takes into consideration various aspects of business including the key decision makers, frequency of board meetings, obligations and entitlements.
to use
to use
Use to define the relationships between shareholders and key decision makers in a company.
Statutory Declaration Form
This document is used to make a declaration before anyone who is authorised by law to hear it, such as a solicitor. This form allows you to make a statement in a prescribed format and affirm that your claim is true to the best of your knowledge.
to use
to use
Use to make a statement that your claim is true to the best of your knowledge.
Suspension Letter for Alleged Gross Misconduct
This document is used to advise an employee of your decision to suspend them from work with immediate effect. It informs the employee that they have been suspended to allow an investigation to take place regarding and allegation of Gross Misconduct. The document informs the employee that their suspension will be kept to a minimum and is not an assumption of guilt nor disciplinary action. Finally it provides you to add in terms of the employee’s suspension to allow the investigation to be conducted impartially.
to use
to use
Use to advised an employee that they have been suspended from work with immediate effect to allow an investigation for an allegation of gross misconduct to take place impartially.
Terms and Conditions for Sale of Goods to Consumer via a Website
This document is for when you want to sell goods to a customer online using your website. It creates a formal and a legally binding contract between the buyer and seller. It provides the information about the seller and the product that they are selling. It also provides contact information of the seller and process of returns and refunds. It then explains the details of the order and how it will be processed and delivered. It also explains the warranty and limitation of liability. It finally explains the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller.
to use
to use
Use when you want to sell goods to a consumer using your website and what to create legally binding contract.
Terms and Conditions for Supply of Service to Consumer via a Website
This document is used when you want to provide services to a customer online using your website. It creates a formal and legally binding contract between the buyer and seller. It provides the information about the seller and the service they are providing. It also provides contact information of the seller and process of returns and refunds. It then explains the details of how the service is provided. It also explains the warranty and limitation of liability. It finally explains the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller.
to use
to use
Use when you want to provide services to a consumer using your website and what to create a legally binding contract.
Tupe Contract
This document is to create an employment contract with a staff member when they have been transferred from employer to another under TUPE transfer. This contract allows the employee to retain almost all of existing rights. This document provides you with a step by step guide to create a contract that specifies the rights and obligations of the employees and the employer. Finally, it also outlines important aspects of employment such as pay, benefits, holiday, sickness and termination.
to use
to use
Use when you transfer an employee form one company to another by TUPE transfer.
Variation of Contract Letter
This document is used to add changes to an employment contract. These changes must be legally compliant and an employer must ensure they follow the right procedures. This letter sets out the proposed changes and the dates when these changes would be enforced.
to use
to use
Use when you exercise your right to change the employment terms.
Website Privacy Policy
This document is for when you have a website that consumers would be visiting. This policy is specifically designed to reassure consumers that any information collected about them would be handled in line with the Data Protection Act. This includes and is not limited to use of personal information, cookies, and browsing sessions. It also outlines the necessary security provisions in place to make sure that the data gathered remains secured.
to use
to use
Use when you have a website that consumers visit to buy products and services or gather information about you.
Website Terms and Conditions
This document is for when you have a website that consumers would be visiting. These terms and conditions dictate how the website is used and what can and can’t be done by a visitor. It starts by outlining the usage of intellectual property and the acceptable use of it. It explains what constitutes as a prohibited use. It finally provides general terms and conditions that the consumers must be aware of when using the website.
to use
to use
Use when you have a website that consumers visit to buy products and services or gather information about you.
Zero Hour Contract
This document is to create an employment contract with a new staff member, usually for casual work. This contract is specifically used for staff members who would be required to work when needed however they do not have set number of hours or any future work guaranteed. This document provides you with a step by step guide to create a contract that specifies the rights and obligations of the employees and the employer. Finally, it also outlines important aspects of employment such as pay, benefits, holiday, sickness and termination.
to use
to use
Use when you employ a new staff member however you do not guarantee them exact number of hours to work.