Accident Report Log
This document creates a list of accidents and incidents over a period of time in an organisations. It creates a log of the date of the incident and the details of the employee who had the accident. It also outlines the information of the first aider and action that was taken following the incident. Over time, this creates a comprehensive log of all accidents that happened at workplace.
to use
to use
Use to create a comprehensive log of all accidents at workplace.
Accident Report Record Form
This document is used to record any work-related accidents or incidents. This form allows to record any known facts about an incident. This includes the details of the person involved in the incident and the details of the person who reported it. It further includes the details of the incident and how it was managed. This document can be used in all kinds of accidents and incidents that happen at work.
to use
to use
Use when you want to create a detailed record of an accident or incident that happened at your work place.
Agreement to Share Office Space
This document is used when you want to share a portion of your office with another company. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship. It mentions the rights and the responsibilities of the tenant. Further, it outlines the payment schedule and ways to terminate the contract.
to use
to use
Use to outline your relationship with a company when sharing your office space.
Articles of Association - Private Company Limited by Shares
This document is usually used to draw a company’s constitution. It defines the responsibilities of directors and outlines the nature of business that the company would undertake. It also defines the measures that shareholders can take to exert control over directors.
to use
to use
Use to your company’s constitution and guiding principles.
Assignment of IT Licenses
The ‘Assignment of IT Licenses’ document can be used to set out the terms and conditions of assignment of IT licenses from one party to another. Under this agreement a seller agrees to transfer the ownership and entitlement of IT licenses to a buyer for a price specified in the agreement. It also outlines the rights and responsibilities of the buyer and the seller during and after the execution of the contract.
to use
to use
Use the ‘Assignment of IT Licenses’’ template to transfer the ownership of IT licenses to a buyer.
Basic Employment Contract
This document is used to create an employment contract with a new staff member. This contract is generally used for staff members who would be employed on an employee basis. Providing an employment contract is a legal necessity. This template provides you with a step by step guide to create a contract that specifies the rights and obligations of the employees and the employer. Finally, it also outlines important aspects of employment such as pay, benefits, holiday, sickness and termination.
to use
to use
Use when you employ a new staff member within your organisation.
Basic Employment Contract with Restrictive Covenants
This document is used to create an employment contract with detailed restrictive covenants such as non-solicitation and non-competition. These types of contracts cover a variety of clauses that govern the relationship between the employee and the employer. It is usually used for junior roles where the employer wants to add enhanced restrictions. The restrictions are included within the main contract and limit the ability of an employee to potentially compete with your business.
to use
to use
Use when you want to add certain restrictions within an employment contract.
Board Minutes - Change Company Name
This is a document that can be used to draft minutes of meetings where a board decides to change the name of the company. This is a simple yet structured format which outlines the new name of the company and the relevant article number of the articles of association of the company.
to use
to use
Use to draft minutes of a board meeting where a resolution is adopted to change the name of a company.
Business Plan Template
This document can be used when setting up a new business. This structured document is a formal statement of business goals, reasons they are attainable and plans that you have to achieve them. It covers a number of aspects of an organisation including organisation structure, business practices, marketing plans, finances and operations.
to use
to use
Use to outline the background information and goals when setting up a new business.
Confidentiality Agreement
This document is used to create an agreement between two parties when they want to keep information passed between them confidential. This is a structured agreement which goes into the details of what constitutes confidential information and how it will be treated by both parties. It then explains the rights and the obligations of both parties and how they should protect the confidential information. Finally, it outlines the general steps that must be taken by both parties to keep the information confidential.
to use
to use
Use when you want to share information, that you deem confidential, with another party.
Consultancy Agreement
This document is used to create an agreement between your company and a consultant. It outlines the specific details of the work that you want the consultant to do. It clearly outlines that the consultant is an independent contractor. The agreement also outlines the fees for the consultancy and the frequency with it will be paid. In addition to that, it outlines the clauses that allow for the termination of the contract by both parties.
to use
to use
Use when you want to appoint an independent contractor to do a specific work for your company on a short term basis.
Director Resignation Letter
This is a document that a Director can use to resign from his office. This document produces a structured and professional letter which can be used to resign from a company.
to use
to use
Use to resign as a Director of a company.
Domain Transfer Agreement
This document can be used to set out the terms and conditions when a domain name of a website is bought or sold by you or your company. This agreement outlines the nature of the transfer and the price payable. This structured document
outlines the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller.
to use
to use
Use to buy or sell a website domain name.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
This document is used to create a companywide policy that complies with the requirement imposed by law. This policy sets out the restriction on the use of controlled and prescription drugs and alcohol at work. This policy explains the restrictions in place and how they are enforced. It also explains the rights and obligations of employers and employee as a part of this document. Finally it explains how the employees would be treated consistently and fairly in line with this policy
to use
to use
Use to create a companywide policy on the prohibition of use of drugs and alcohol at workplace.
Equal Opportunities Policy
This document is used to create a companywide policy that highlights your company’s commitment to equal opportunities, non-discriminatory procedures and practices. This policy covers all forms of discrimination including age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or pay rate. Finally it outlines the principles that will ensure that all decision making before and during an employment is non-discriminatory.
to use
to use
Use to create a companywide policy to highlight your company’s commitment to equal opportunities.
Fire Drill and Evacuation Log
This document creates a list of all the fire drills conducted at workplace. This standard document can be branded with company logo and used every time a fire drill is conducted. The template has section to record date and time of the start and end of the drill. It also has a section to report whether the drill was a practice drill or an actual drill. Finally, it features a section to identify any areas of improvement and future action plan.
to use
to use
Use to create a log of all fire drills conducted by the business.
Fire Safety Policy
This document helps you create a customized policy that employees must follow in the event of a fire. This outlines a number of steps that the employee must follow to keep themselves and people around them safe. It clearly outlines the process of reporting fire. Finally it explains the steps that the organisation has put place in the event of a fire.
to use
to use
Use to communicate to employees what they need to do in the event of a fire.
Heads of Terms
This document is to create an agreed set of principles which precede the intended written contract that the parties intend to sign. This is generally used during the process of negotiation of contracts and is not an exhaustive list. It is not a legally binding contract. Furthermore it has provisions to include legally binding obligations such as non-disclosure. The legally binding clauses are clearly outlined.
to use
to use
Use when you are negotiating a contract with another party and would like to agree on the terms of negotiation.
Informal Meeting Outcome
The document is used to formally confirm the issues discussed along with any improvement(s) required following an informal discussion. The document advises the employee that should the improvements not be met within the timescales provided they may lead to formal disciplinary proceedings.
to use
to use
Use to confirm the outcome of the informal discussion with an employee and the improvements they are required to achieve.
Intellectual Property Assignment
This document is to
to create a contract between two or more parties for the purchase and sale of intellectual property rights. It outlines the rights and obligations of each party in relation to intellectual property that may be created during the time they work together. It also outlines the general responsibilities of all parties in the agreement.
to use
to use
Use when you what to assign the intellectual property you own to a third party.
Internal Accident Investigation Report
This document is to
record the outcome of an investigation following an accident at workplace. This is a structured report and acts as a document that can us used to deal with all forms of accidents at work place. It clearly records and reports the nature of the accident and the work that was being carried out when the accident happened. Finally, it reports the steps that were taken following the accident.
to use
to use
Use to create a report following an investigation in a work place accident.
Invite Witness to Grievance Investigatory Meeting
This meeting document is used to invite an employee to attend an investigatory meeting following a grievance raised by another employee. It advises the employee that you have been made aware they may have information to assist with your investigation. Finally it advises the employee that the investigation is strictly private and confidential and must not be discussed with anyone other than the investigator.
to use
to use
Use when you want to invite an employee into an investigatory meeting for a grievance raised by another employee and you have been advised they may hold information that will assist your investigation.
Invite a Witness to a Second Investigatory Meeting
This document is used to notify an employee that you wish for them to attend a further investigatory meeting as a witness. The letter advises the individual that you wish to continue your investigation against another employee. The document also advises the employee that the investigation must be kept private and confidential.
to use
to use
Use when you wish to re-invite a witness to a further investigatory meeting to continue or follow-up on the first investigatory meeting.
Invite to Final Disciplinary Letter for Misconduct
This document is to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a further formal disciplinary meeting based on persistent misconduct. The document is to be used following the second disciplinary hearing whereby a final written warning was issued and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The document also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome resulting in dismissal and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to take the next step within the formal disciplinary process with an employee for persistent misconduct.
Invite to Final Disciplinary Letter for Misconduct - Potential Outcome Demotion
This document is to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a further formal disciplinary meeting based on persistent misconduct. The document is to be used following the second disciplinary hearing whereby a final written warning was issued and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The document also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome resulting in potentially being demoted and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to take the next step within the formal disciplinary process with an employee for persistent misconduct.
Invite to Final Disciplinary Letter for Poor Attendance and Punctuality
This document is used to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a further formal disciplinary meeting based on persistent poor attendance and punctuality. The document is to be used following the second disciplinary hearing whereby a final written warning was issued and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The template also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome resulting in dismissal and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to take the next step within the formal disciplinary process with an employee for persistent poor attendance.
Invite to Final Disciplinary Letter for Poor Performance - Potential Outcome Demotion
This document is used to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a further formal disciplinary meeting based on persistent misconduct. The document is to be used following the second disciplinary hearing whereby a final written warning was issued and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The document also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome resulting in potentially being demoted and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to take the next step within the formal disciplinary process with an employee for persistent poor performance.
Invite to Final Disciplinary letter for Poor Performance
This document is used to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a further formal disciplinary meeting based on persistent poor performance. The document is to be used following the second disciplinary hearing whereby a final written warning was issued and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The document also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome resulting in dismissal and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to take the next step within the formal disciplinary process with an employee for persistent poor performance.
Invite to First Disciplinary - Letter for Misconduct
This document is to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a formal disciplinary meeting based on misconduct. The document is to be used after an informal discussion has taken place and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The document also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome being a written warning and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to start the formal disciplinary process with an employee for an alleged misconduct.
Invite to First Disciplinary - Letter for Poor Performance
This document is to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a formal disciplinary meeting based on their poor performance. The document is to be used after an informal discussion has taken place and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The document also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome being a written warning and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to start the formal disciplinary process with an underperforming employee.
Invite to First Disciplinary for Poor Attendance and Punctuality
This document is to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a formal disciplinary meeting based on their poor attendance and punctuality. The document is to be used after an informal discussion has taken place and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The document also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome being a written warning and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to start the formal disciplinary process with an employee for Poor Attendance and Punctuality.
Invite to Grievance Appeal Hearing
This is for a formal grievance appeal hearing following their submission of an appeal against the outcome of a grievance raised. This document allows you to suggest a date, time and location that the meeting will take place. It advises the employee that they will have the opportunity to fully explain their reasons for appealing against a grievance outcome and that it may be suspended pending further investigations if required. Finally it advises the employee of their legal right to be accompanied to the hearing should they wish to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to invite an employee to a grievance appeal hearing following their submission of an appeal against a grievance outcome. This is to allow the employee the opportunity to fully explain their appeal and provide you with any evidence needed to follow up in a further investigation.
Invite to Grievance Hearing
This is to invite an employee to a formal grievance hearing following their submission of a grievance. The document allows you to suggest a date, time and location that the meeting will take place. It advises the employee that they will have the opportunity to fully explain their grievance and that it may be suspended pending further investigations if required. Finally it advises the employee of their legal right to be accompanied to the hearing should they wish to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to invite an employee to a grievance hearing following their submission of a grievance. This is to allow the employee the opportunity to fully explain their grievance and provide you with any evidence needed to follow up in an investigation.
Invite to Investigatory Meeting for a Grievance
This document is to notify an employee to attend an investigatory meeting following a grievance hearing. It advises the employee that an investigation is now underway. The document allows you to suggest a date, time and location that the meeting will take place. Finally it advises the employee that they will be invited into a reconvened grievance hearing once the investigation has concluded to provide an outcome.
to use
to use
Use when you want to invite an employee into an investigatory meeting to investigate their submission of a grievance and previous grievance hearing held.
Invite to Probationary Review Meeting
This document is used to invite an employee into a formal probation review meeting to review their conduct and performance to date. The letter informs them that should their performance/conduct be satisfactory they will be assessed as completing their probationary period. It also advises that should it not be satisfactory it could lead to their probationary period being extended or their dismissal. Finally it also contains the relevant clause to advise the employee of their right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use to invite an employee to a probationary review meeting during or towards the end of their probationary period.
Invite to Reconvened Grievance Hearing to Provide Outcome
This document is to invite an employee to a reconvened grievance hearing to provide the employee the outcome following an investigation. The document allows you to suggest a date, time and location that the meeting will take place. Finally it advises the employee of their legal right to be accompanied to the hearing should they wish to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you have completed an investigation into an employee’s grievance raised and are ready to provide an outcome.
Invite to Second Disciplinary - Letter for Misconduct
This document is to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a further formal disciplinary meeting based on persistent misconduct. The document is to be used following the first disciplinary hearing whereby a written warning was issued and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The document also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome being a final written warning and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to take the next step within the formal disciplinary process with an employee for persistent misconduct.
Invite to Second Disciplinary - Letter for Poor Performance
This document is to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a further formal disciplinary meeting based on persistent poor performance. The document is to be used following the first disciplinary hearing whereby a written warning was issued and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The document also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome being a final written warning and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to take the next step within the formal disciplinary process with an employee for persistent poor performance.
Invite to Second Disciplinary - Letter for Poor Performance and Punctuality
This document is to notify an employee of your decision to invite them to a further formal disciplinary meeting based on persistent poor attendance and punctuality. The document is to be used following the first disciplinary hearing whereby a written warning was issued and no improvement has been made by the employee. The structure allows you to set out the reasons behind the disciplinary and provide a date, time and location for the hearing to take place. The document also contains the relevant clauses to advise the employee of the potential outcome being a final written warning and the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.
to use
to use
Use when you want to take the next step within the formal disciplinary process with an employee for persistent poor attendance and punctuality.
Invite to Second Investigatory Meeting for an Allegation of Gross Misconduct
This document is to notify an employee that you wish for them to attend a further investigatory meeting regarding an allegation of gross misconduct against them. The document is used following the first investigatory meeting to follow up or continue with the investigation. It also advises the employee that an investigatory meeting does not constitute disciplinary action at this stage. Finally it advises the employee that should the investigation conclude there is a case to answer they will be invited into a disciplinary hearing at a later date.
to use
to use
Use when you want to re-invite an employee into a further investigatory meeting to continue or follow up your investigation.
Invoice Template
This document is to create an invoice for the sale of goods or services. It provides an itemised list of all products sold and the price of individual items along with quantity purchased. Finally it provides information about the payment methods and date the payment is due.
to use
to use
Use when you want to obtain payment for the sale of goods or services.
Job Application Form
This document is used when you want a prospective employee to fill a form in order to apply for a job at your company. This is a detailed form which covers a number of areas ranging from their personal details, education, previous employment and relevant skills that are necessary for the job they are applying for. Finally it covers areas such as disabilities that may require special arrangements to be made and references.
to use
to use
Use when you want candidates to fill application form when they make an application for employment.
Letter Assigning a Contract
This document is to assign the rights and obligations of a contract to another party. This letter is used when all or part of an existing contract is transferred by from on party to another. This letter contract the details of the contract assigned and the date when this assignment starts. Finally it outlines the indemnity clause and the ways to solve any disputes.
to use
to use
Use when you what to assign the rights and obligations of a contract to a third party.
Letter Ending a Contract
This is used to end a contract between two parties. This letter is used when either party in a contact exercises a relevant clause in an agreement to terminate it. The letter outlines the start date of the agreement and name of the party that wishes to terminate it. Finally, it outlines the further actions that are required as a part of the ending of the agreement.
to use
to use
Use when you what to end a contract based on relevant clauses in the contract.
Letter Lifting Suspension from Work
This document is to notify an employee that their suspension has been lifted. The letter advises the employee that during the investigation it was found that the allegation is unlikely to constitute Gross Misconduct. It also informs the employee that they may be invited to an investigatory meeting until the investigation has concluded but can return work. Finally it allows you to add in a return date, time and location if required.
to use
to use
Use to inform an employee they can return to work during the investigation.
Letter of Confidentiality
This document is used when you want to share some confidential information with a third property. It explains that the information being disclosed is confidential in nature and is commercially sensitive. It allows you impose restrictions on the party that is receiving the information outlines what their rights and responsibilities are. It explains how the confidential information is used.
to use
to use
Use when you what to disclose confidential information to a third party which is commercially sensitive.
Letter of Intent
The is used when you want to enter into a contract with someone in the future. This letter outlines your intention to get into a contract however this does not create a contractual relationship until a future contract has been signed. The letter explains the basis of the proposed agreement and the timescales by which the parties agree to complete negotiations. In addition to that, it gives a summary of the pre-conditions to an agreement. Finally, it outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties.
to use
to use
Use when you want to show your intentions to get into a contract with someone and start negotiation.
Manager Employment Contract
This document is used to create an employment contract with a new staff member. This contract is specifically used for staff members who would be employed as managers and will hold more responsibilities compared to other employees. Providing an employment contract is a legal necessity. This document provides you with a step by step guide to create a contract that specifies the rights and obligations of the employees and the employer. Finally, it also outlines important aspects of employment such as pay, benefits, holiday, sickness and termination.
to use
to use
Use when you employ a new staff member within your organisation as a manager.
Maternity Leave Policy
This used to create a policy that sets out the statutory rights and responsibilities of employees who are pregnant or have recently given birth. This policy include a number of aspects including Statutory Maternity Pay, time off for ante natal care and any risk assessment that need to be carried out. It also covers holidays, work and contact during the maternity leave.
to use
to use
Use to create a companywide policy that sets out the statutory rights and responsibilities of employees who are pregnant.
Non-Disclosure Agreement
This document is to create an agreement between two parties when they want to keep information passed between them confidential. This is a structured agreement which goes into the details of what constitutes confidential information and how it will be treated by both parties. It outlines the fact that all intellectual property and any other information shared would continue to remain confidential. It then explains the rights and the obligations of both parties and how they should protect the confidential information. Finally, it outlines the general steps that must be taken by both parties to keep the information confidential.
to use
to use
Use when you want to share information, that you deem confidential, with another party.